Tuesday we went back to Sultan, which was really fun once again, especially because it was filled with sooo many hot Ticos! We got a VIP section semi-upstairs where everyone was able to see us, and since we were some of the only girls there, we received a LOT of attention...but mostly by creepers! People asked to take our pics, we were being followed around, and the weirdos would not get away from our VIP area! Annoying at first, but quite the entertainment.
Then unexpectedly came HALLOWEEN!!! It's really not a big deal at all here, especially during the day, but at least it's celebrated at night. The girls and I dressed up as jugadores de futbol. Not too creative, but simple and cheap. Charlie was robo cop and Ross was a perverted priest!
First we went to a friend's house party, (which was my first one here in CR!), then we went to a bar/club called Retrovisor. Despite the fact that it was raining ALL night, Halloween was soooooooo much fun. Here are some of the pics from that night. First, me and my roomies! :)
Haha we made friends with a giant...not really, but compared to us, he mos def was.
What made the night especially fun was the fact that I finally got to hang out with my program's assistant, whom I've had a HUGe crush on ever since I saw him the first day in CR! haha. Here he is...with me and some dreads I've decided to grow.
All of us sure were suffering the next morning at school...but it was definitely worth it. :)
Thursday was the 2nd "clasico" game between Saprissa y La Liga. Because the game was too far away, we decided to watch it at Stan's Pub. Saprissas won last minute, 2-1, taking them to the final of the cup. Woo! After that, we went to Roots, where I seriously have not seen so many hot guys in one place in a looooong time. I think I got a high just from being around them! Never would I encounter something like this in Berkeley haha.
So today, Friday, we watched a really sad movie called Camila, which took place in Buenos Aires during the rein of a really intolerant and cruel Governor. Basically, the girl and a priest fell in love and so they decided to run away, change their names and become teachers. Unfortunately, they were discovered and executed, despite the fact that she was several months pregnant. Man, Latin movies are sooo depressing! but also really good. Speaking of depressing, this will be the first weekend that my group of friends are split up! Besides Rach, Ross, Katie and me, everyone else is going to Puerto Viejo! And lucky us gets to wake up at 4:30 in the morn to go to Curu! Don't get me wrong, I am definitely excited because I hear the snorkeling is amazing... I'm just sad to be away from the others!
Okay, now I must go prepare for a 10 minute speech for espanol next week...eeeek!
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