Oct 8, 2007

Historical Day in CR: Referendum on CAFTA/TLC

Oct. 7, 2007 marked a very important day for the people of CR. They were able to vote Si o No on the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Before yesterday, it was the only country that had not yet ratified it. Unlike the other 5 countries that had already signed on, withOUT the votes of their people, the ticos were able to decide democratically on their future. Supporters of YES generally are governmental or corporation related, in favor of the U.S., while those against it are basically everyone else: environmentalists, universities, trade unions, the church, farmers, and those who are NOT in favor of the U.S. In this pic, the protestors are saying that CR needs to vote NO b/c Si would imply that there wouldn't be peace without social justice.

All the directors and professors told us to refrain from talking to any of the CRs about their opinions on the subject, as most of them are EXTREMELY passionate about whatever they are voting on. but that doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't observe this locura (craziness)! Unfortunately, I didn't return from my weekend trip in time to witness any of it live. But I definitely watched in on the tele.

Here are the results: Si won with just 51.6%. So you could see how completely divided CR is on this topic. It's definitely very cool that I was here/am here to witness such an important moment in this country's history. We'll see how differently things will be in the following months...

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